3 Tips To Learn English By Movies - be sport89

3 Tips To Learn English By Movies

(3 tips to learn english by movies)


Hello guys

Today , i want to share with you three tips that would help you to improve your english through movies Especially in this quarantine we have much time to learn .

Movies can teach you to speak real English naturally.  However,  you must use the correct technique.

 Many  students try to learn by simply watching movies.  Just watching movies is ineffective because you won't understand most of what you hear and you will not learn deeply. 


Well ,first of all choose something you like , you’re gonna learn a lot more if you enjoy the material , pick something that you like and that’s pretty easy to understand ,doing that helps you understand the general idea of what is happening , so when you know what is happening in the movie , then you can guess the dialogue you can work out what they’re saying from the context.

Watch without subtitles

Why without subtitles because when you turn on the subtitles your eyes are automatically want to read what’s on the screen  , so you will not stay focused on listening , so if you have the choice watch the program without subtitles , and if you can understand 50% of the program , that’s good , then i want you to just in your minds or it could be on a piece of paper in your notebook quickly summarize what the movie was about and an awsome way to do is to share it with your friend and tell them about what you understood and this methode it’s really good because you’re checking with each other you’re teaching the other person you could do this in English and it’s even better if you talk to your friend in English to summarize what you watched ...but if you need to do it in your native language ,that’s okey the idea is that you’re checking your comprehension of what you watched then Go back and watch with subtitles in english so you’re listening in english and the subtitles are in english to check your undertanding see if anything changes if you understand something more and you can make pause and read what they say..

So that’s how i suggest to learn with movies to check your overall general main idea comprehension in just as i said to watch with no subtitle and take notes after that watch with english subtitles

That’s about it. Actually that’s the last step , so you could do more with this if you have time , i will recommend to go back and check the words or check the scenes where you dind’t really understand what was happening so if there’s some parts of the movie where you’re completly confused you have no idea what happend go back to those parts try writing down the words and then you can check them , and it takes time it does you have to be patient with yourself , it’s little boring to do this to go back check the world. You don’t know look them up in the dictionary and...actually try to understand a whole scene that you didn’t understand before,but this is how you improve your listening comprehension

So next time you watch the movie or next time you watch a different program that uses the same word or the same expressions you’re gonna be even smarter ,you’re gonna understand what’s going on, and that’s gonna feel so good.

So if you feel like this is too much work , just imagine how you’re gonna feel so good when you do understand the next time you listen to these words , so that should be motivating for you.


firstly, please share any movies that you've seen in English that you think are good for English learners - so, leave the movie title in the comments section below. 

Thank u ... see you next time bye bye 

3 Tips To Learn English By Movies 3 Tips To Learn English By Movies Reviewed by Info89 on 15:34 Rating: 5

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